Mercury enters Libra, Venus enters Leo. What a day for love, Scorpio woman, and that begins with love for yourself!
You may be surrounded by admirers and attraction energy runs high. You may also be tempted to put passion and romance in the spotlight. Be sure to not get too far ahead of yourself.
Express your love and compassion with no expectations.
For the sake of kindness, balance and creating harmony, speak nurturing words to others. Your efforts may pay off better than you expected.
You may also have a great opportunity to take a relationship to a higher level.
More than anything else, be loving and kind in your communication style. Today is a good reminder that sometimes being happy is more important than proving yourself “right” to others.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Empress
This Tarot card, numbered three, reminds you of your opportunities for expansion and abundance.
You can generate more than you need. Why not share? Keep yourself grounded in your own confidence and worth.
Remember, you don’t need to chase. Surround yourself with beauty and radiate your power, compassion and loving energy.
Those who naturally respond to your beauty and charm will come out of the woodwork now.
Today’s Affirmation for Love and Attraction:
Today, I speak loving words and share beauty and abundance with others.