Scorpio Daily Horoscope

March 6, 2022

Sunday, March 6th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars and Venus enter Aquarius. Venus is now in a conjunction with your planetary coruler, Mars, in Aquarius. This conjunction will last for several days, and this combination can bring unsettling energy and even explosive changes into your love life. 

Avoid making commitments now. A romantic relationship may go through unexpected, surprising twists and turns. This is an important time for changes that bring creativity, innovation and new vision into your love life. This can be an unsettling time, but you may also feel free to break from old habits and patterns in a relationship.

Though you can often be strategic and careful to calculate a plan that will avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself, this is a good time to trust your rebellious streak, especially in career. You can easily influence friends and attract the attention of people who can expand your network and promote your ideals.

This could be your lucky day for- Friendships- though this is an intense and challenging day for romance, it’s an ideal time to focus on expanding your social network and attracting new friends. Unexpected changes can bring you into contact with unusual people who help you to embrace your individual nature and expand your vision. This is a great time for innovation and taking risks, especially when it comes to collaborating with friends on creative projects. 

You can have a breakthrough that leads you to a greater understanding of those around you. It’s easier for you to enjoy the company of a crowd now, and you may be able to let your guard down. Creativity and optimism can also help you attract new friends now. Connections you make during this time can bring excitement and passion into your life. A friendship may develop into something unexpected by the middle of next month.

Tarot reading for the day: The Six of Wands.

Take the time to celebrate a victory today. You can be viewed by others as a leader or mentor and it’s easier to influence your network today, so put your charm into high gear. Your collaborations with others can lead to success in work and business now as well. Others may develop a greater understanding of your unique and unconventional ideas, so don’t hold back and be true to your dreams now.

Numerology report of the day: 3+6+2+0+2+2=15, 1+5=6. 

Today’s number is: Six. Six is a number of balance, harmony, and love. Share your affection and empathy with a partner or loved one now. Don’t try to accomplish your goals all on your own. It’s best to strike a balance between your gifts and strengths and the gifts and strengths of a love interest. Relationships may become a mirror of your strengths and life lessons, so pay close attention now.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I bring innovation and creativity to my relationships and friendships.

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