Scorpio Daily Horoscope

September 12, 2020

Saturday, September 12 – Scorpio horoscope for today:

Moon in Cancer. When the Moon is in Cancer, it is favorably aligned with your Sun in Scorpio.

This is a great day for you to trust your intuition and build on your understanding of the subtle energy that guides you.

You may feel drawn to nurture and protect your family or to shore up plans for home or business.

You can have a strong influence in domestic or business matters now so it’s a great time to submit a proposal or promote a goal or milestone related to family.

Tarot Card of the Day: The High Priestess

Scorpio women are susceptible to confusing desire for intuition.

Intuition whispers to you. Desire pulls on your heart strings, creating an obsession.

The High Priestess reminds you to maintain your composure and allow the more “excitable” inner voices to settle so you can get in tune with the softer inner voices of your intuition.

Affirmation for Enhancing Intuition:

The louder voice is desire, the soft inner voice is intuition. Today I trust the soft inner voice.

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