Thursday, September 10 — Scorpio Horoscope for today:
Moon in Gemini. You are brilliant and intuitive, yet the ruler of emotion and intuition (the Moon) in the intellectual sign of Gemini can rub you the wrong way sometimes.
The energetic flow between Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon is awkward. It takes some getting used to Gemini’s seemingly flighty ways.
For a Scorpio woman like you who knows how to focus on one course of action and follow her ambitions like a hound tracking down a scent, you may become dizzy by Gemini’s loose commitments and changeable ways.
Yet there’s something you can learn from the Moon in Gemini today.
Be flexible, even when it makes you uncomfortable.
The flexibility of Moon in Gemini can allow you to dabble without pouring all your energy and emotion into one course of action.
Many paths, many possibilities, many opportunities. Doesn’t that sound better already?
Tarot Card of the Day: Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups always reminded me of a television gameshow.
The winner, filled with excitement, is walked to a room full of hidden surprises. They can pick one of several options, all hidden from view, all promising to be fantastic.
With little guarantee of what lies behind the brightly colored doors, intuition alone dictates whether the winner will choose door one, two or three…
That is what today’s energy may feel like.
A great treasure is close at hand. You may desire many things, but you have to choose one to start. Which will it be?
You’ve got to make a selection of one of several dreams and desires and then build from there.
Affirmation for Flexibility:
Today I consider all possible paths.