Thursday, October 29 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. Your unique strengths and skills may be brought to the surface so that you can clarify your vision and goals.
You may feel compelled to find security and financial stability, but also want to dramatically break away from work or practices that don’t feel genuine to you.
Try to find harmony between your desire for deep transformation and dramatic change and your desire for stability and security.
You may feel deeply and personally transformed as a result of challenges to your career path or finances.
Tarot Card of the Day: Temperance
This card reminds you that you don’t have to do everything in an instant.
Sometimes change and transition happen over time, and the more dramatic approach may not be the best in the long run.
Use your creativity and desire for transformation and truth to align with your highest integrity.
Instead of rushing to find an answer, let yourself go through the process.
You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you can make progress easily if you let go of control.
Numerology Forecast: 1+0+2+9+2+0+2+0=16, 1+6=7
Today’s number is Seven.
A relationship or partnership can now advance and bring you closer to finding your ideals.
The number seven is associated with spirituality and purity.
This ascension and growth is helped in part by coming to a more personal understanding of love. Not just of romance and lust, but true unconditional love and compassion.
Today’s Affirmation for Transformation:
Today I can embrace dramatic change and express my unique strengths.