Sunday, October 25 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in Scorpio. Deciphering truth from illusion is one of your many strengths, Scorpio woman.
Today, with the sun and Mercury working close together in your sun sign, you may feel even greater mental acuity.
You are easily focused and may even feel obsessively engaged in pursuing your goals.
You desire truth and aren’t afraid to dig through illusions to get to the core.
You can easily feel like you’re excavating some deeply hidden secrets today; either yours or someone else’s.
But when you find what you are looking for, what will you do with it?
You are known for your potential to use your intuition and perceptions to help and heal or to wound, depending on your mood.
Take the high road today and look for the truth so it can set you free.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Magician
The Magician is a reminder of the power of focus and creativity.
You may feel compelled to follow your ideals and fine-tune your plans.
You are easily able to manifest your dreams now because you are magnetically attracting situations, resources and people into your life who will help you succeed.
You may find it is easier to initiate positive changes that help you advance.
Numerology Forecast: 1+0+2+5+2+0+2+0=12, 1+2=3
Today’s number is Three.
The combination of individual willpower, initiative and cooperation with a partner, or a combination of polarizing energies, can bring motivation.
You can reach new levels of growth and expansion.
Make peace with paradox and polarity now.
Work on expanding your goals and drawing greater support for business plans.
Your growth is dependent on your determination, and also on your ability to allow others to help you.
Today’s Affirmation for Mental Clarity:
My mind is sharp and I easily discern the truth.