Wednesday, October 21 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. You can feel intensely and wholeheartedly committed to a relationship with someone who stands out as a powerful authority or mentor.
The attraction may be romantic, but even if platonic this person may play a key role in helping you with a personal transformation that leads to success in your career path.
You can find dramatic connection and feel completely absorbed by a profoundly influential and inspiring figure who leads you to become obsessed with growth and development in your finances or career.
Tarot Card of the Day: Ten of Pentacles
It’s time for an all-out transformation to finances, career or business. Though you need to go deep in order to be successful, you won’t go it alone.
You can easily find the support you need to maximize the resources you currently have.
Yet you’ll need to act on your will to succeed. Don’t ignore the tedious details, and be open to full scale reinvention now.
Numerology Forecast: 1+0+2+1+2+0+2+0= 8
Today’s number is Eight.
This energy provides a strong surge in energy and power.
It is associated with infinity, abundance and patterns that never really end but just manifest on various levels.
A highly spiritual number, events set into motion today can have a strong ripple effect for weeks to come.
Affirmation for Attraction:
Today I easily call to me the people who will best help me find transformation and completion.