Sunday, October 18 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn. Today, you may feel a deep and relentless longing to pursue your goals.
This can bring you into what feels like a head on-collision with elders or administrators who seem like impossible gatekeepers.
The path forward is not impossible, though.
You may have to go head to head with people who seem to be authority figures or whose traditional leanings and views clash with the transformation and success you are trying to create.
Don’t give up.
Instead, look for opportunities to balance old and new, assertiveness and collaboration, by using initiative and working with the powers that be.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Hierophant
Dealing with hierarchies and bureaucracies can be frustrating. Especially for you, Scorpio woman.
You have a strong sense of initiative and will forge ahead to follow your dreams.
When institutions or authority figures stand in the way, you can dig in your heels even more.
But instead, try to work with the powers that be so that you can advance in your goals without reinventing the wheel.
Numerology Forecast: 1+0+1+8+2+0+2+0=14, 1+4=5
Today’s number is Five.
The combination of the power of self and willpower (one) with the power of harmony and balance (four).
Though you may need to upset the proverbial applecart, creating friction will lead you to greater success and expansion.
Don’t hide from conflict now. Instead, embrace a challenge that will help you eventually expand your skills and potential.
Today’s Affirmation for Success:
My skills and intuition are sharpened by obstacles; I am refined by challenges and perfect my focus.