Monday, November 9 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Venus in Libra opposite Mars in Aries. Opposites attract today.
You may find a conflict with your partner to be sexy, not frustrating. You may find motivation and excitement in a tense situation. A person who seems to be your opposite may be highly attractive to you now.
You need to shake things up a bit today. Don’t surround yourself with people who share your ideas and opinions. Balance the scales by seeking those who can give you a new perspective now.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Lovers.
You may fall in love, or strengthen a relationship now, when you recognize the power of paradox and polarity. You don’t need agree with your partner, you just have to align with them. How are you complementing the strengths of those closest to you now?
This is an important time to strive for balance and harmony personally so you can strengthen your connections to others.
Numerology Report : 11/9/2020= 15, 1+5=6.
Today’s number is six, ironically also the number of the Lovers Tarot Card. Today’s energy is all about balance and collaboration. The number six also represents the need to channel the polarities within yourself.
Work on creating harmony and balance. Stable relationships begin with your own creation of stability and equilibrium within yourself.
Affirmation for the Day:
Today I embody the Divine Feminine and attract the Divine Masculine.