Sunday, November 8 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun in Scorpio square Moon in Leo. Scorpio woman, today the friction you feel from your pent up emotions bubbling to the surface can serve you well. But you have to work to overcome your first instinct.
Your first instinct is to lash out. To remind others of all you’ve done for them.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Scorpio woman, but you’ve got to keep your Inner Diva in check today.
This part of yourself reminds you that you deserve better. She reminds you not to settle. But that doesn’t mean you want to get too carried away just now.
Use the regal power of the Moon in Leo to remind yourself of your value and talents. The square to the Sun in Scorpio creates friction and this tension can lead you to think that you’re being unappreciated.
But is this really the truth?
Or are you just more keenly aware of what you invest in a relationship and expect more of others? Really take some time to sort this out before overreacting. You don’t want to burn bridges now.
Tarot Card of the Day: Queen of Swords.
Today, use your discretion and assertiveness to make your boundaries and expectations known. Say what you need to say, but don’t overdo it. Let others have a chance to live up to your expectations before assuming they won’t.
Numerology Report: 11/8/2020= 14, 1+4=5.
Today’s number is five. Five brings expansion but only through a tense process. Nothing worthwhile comes easy and Five is a reminder of this. Draw on all the resources at your disposal and combine the best elements within yourself. Five is significant of the agitation process that ultimately leads to advancement and empowerment.
Affirmation for the Day:
I can put my best foot forward today regardless of circumstances.