Friday, November 6 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Mercury Direct in Libra Square Saturn in Capricorn. You may feel your ideas are sharper and plans are finally starting to take shape. There’s a catch, though.
Today, your desire for comfort and harmony will start to lead you into complacency when what you really need is to stay sharp and on top of your game. You may feel like you’re on a smooth path now at work or in business yet you may be challenged at the last minute.
The reason?
Like the Hare racing the Tortoise, you misjudged how much effort was needed. Things were going too well at first and you thought you had time to decompress and relax. Don’t get distracted because of a desire to relax and take it easy now.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Hierophant.
You may feel like you’re going up against bigger systems or institutions. Can you really win a David vs. Goliath battle? Odds are, yes. But rather than getting into power struggles now, your energy is better spent trying to get Goliath to work for you.
Turn power struggles into alliances and you’ll be on your way to success now.
Numerology Report: 11/6/2020= 12, 1+2=3.
Today’s number is three.
You can expand in new directions today and may finally receive the recognition you’ve been waiting for. Refine your skills now and exercise promote your special vision or talents, be sure to stand out from the crowd now.
Affirmation for the Day:
I can expand my possibilities by expanding my perspective.