Wednesday, November 4 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Mars in Aries sextile Moon in Gemini. This transit would be minor for most people.
But considering Mars is your planetary coruler, don’t be surprised if you find it easier to attract people with your charm and chatty nature today.
This energy gives you a natural boost especially when it comes to your sense of passion and sexuality.
Tarot Card of the Day: Knight of Swords.
Today, your passion and charm are helping you to assert your desires. Speak up for yourself and embrace a needed change. Show your courage and focus now. Communicate your ideas with precision and clarity now.
Numerology Report 11/4/2020= 10, 1+0=1.
Today’s number is one.
The intense energy you may feel today is fueled even more by today’s number, one. This suggests new focus, vitality and a surge of energy.
You can start fresh now and give new focus to your goals. Starting over isn’t a bad thing, it’s an exciting chance to find clarity and shake off the stress and distractions you’ve carried before.
Affirmation for the Day:
Today, I can express my sharp intellect and powerful vision without raising my voice.