Sunday, November 29 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Moon enters Gemini. Today, the Moon enters an Air Sign that is all about communication and learning- Gemini.
Yet the Moon, much like your sign, Scorpio, is involved in deeper emotions. You may feel compelled to take an interest or class to a much deeper level and obsessively research to learn more.
The Moon in Gemini is at an awkward angle to your Sun Sign, so you may feel you need to push or refine your ideas in order to really feel secure and confident sharing your writing, thoughts or feelings with others.
Tarot Card of the Day: Death.
The Death card is symbolic and not to be feared. But an intense and deep woman like you knows this intuitively.
Scorpio woman, you don’t fear Death, you understand the symbolic nature of rebirth and regeneration. Today is the ideal day for you to recreate some aspect of yourself.
What do you need to let go of now?
How can you take your insights and interests to a deeper level?
Take a leap of faith and go deeper now, Scorpio woman, a more powerful rebirth awaits you.
Numerology Report: 11/29/2020= 17, 1+7=8.
Today’s number is eight. You may find it easier to transcend boundaries today. Eight is a sacred number also associated with rebirth, transformation and magic.
All things happen in cycles, are you practicing patience as you await the culmination of a major phase or transition period?
Be open to the larger process, things are coming full circle on their own.
Affirmation for the Day:
I can surrender to the process and find regeneration and rebirth now.