Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon in Virgo trine Pluto In Capricorn. Today is a special day for you, Scorpio woman. Your planetary coruler, Pluto, is in a lucky aspect to the ruler of emotions and subconscious, the Moon. This aspect joins two earth signs in an easy aspect that supports a flow of energy.

You can easily showcase your skills in career and business now. Don’t be humble. Flex your muscles. You may also have a chance to dramatically change your status, routines, or other aspects of your work. An elevation of power is likely now. Leadership is on the horizon for you. Take a chance and act as if you are already in the driver’s seat.

Without being dominating, you may easily project an authoritative stance today. Your precision and professional demeanor can easily put others at ease. Your hypnotic charm can mesmerize others, both in professional and personal relationships.

Today may be your lucky day for: TRANSFORMATION. Pluto is the planet of rebirth, loss, and transformation. One of the planets that gives you such intense power, Pluto is also the planet of obsession. 

Your motivation is heightened now, especially where career is concerned. You may easily become obsessed with status, wealth, and ambition. Channel this energy toward growth and transformation now. What you wish to manifest is likely to come your way because of your willingness to put the full force of your willpower behind your dreams. Today you may easily set a new foundation in career or health, which can lead to greater abundance by February 2022.

Tarot Reading for Today: The Sun.

A boost of energy and vitality is likely to help you find the optimism and motivation you now need. This can be a dramatic time for transformation, yet this involves more rebirth than loss now. Show your talents openly. You are an expert when it comes to your passions and interests, so don’t play small now. Your confidence will easily inspire others to put their faith in you now. Don’t talk them out of this level of faith in your ideas. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+2+8+2+0+2+1=17, 1+7=8. 

Today’s number is: Eight. Eight is a number of transformation and power, as it is the number associated with you, Scorpio woman. Show your strengths today. This is an ideal time to embrace initiation and change. Let go of fears and insecurities from the past which have been holding you back. Embrace a new cycle of growth and evolution. You may have to find your inner strength now; value your confidence and sense of authority over any titles or superficial signs of status. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily embrace my power and give myself permission to release the past. 

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