Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury enters Sagittarius. Though you are typically keen, focused and even obsessive, today your mind may be spinning in numerous different directions all at once. Try to make the most of the optimism you are likely to feel today. A boost of confidence and belief in yourself and what you can achieve can help you follow through on plans that seemed daunting in the past.

Your ideas become lofty and philosophical today. Try to avoid making solid commitments. You’ll need to be flexible and your perspective may be continually changing and evolving today. 

Your communication with others is more likely to be optimistic today. Before you over-promise, try to make sure your boundaries are reasonable. Today, you are prone to taking on more than you can deliver. Try to pace yourself. You may get caught up in the moment and over-commit. 

Tarot Reading for Today: Queen of Wands. 

Your diplomacy, tact, and good cheer are contagious now. This can be a great time to use your influence as a leader and make an impression on others. Your writing or speaking skills may gain the attention of prominent or otherwise influential people today, so don’t play small. Acts of kindness, generosity, and benevolence will leave a lasting impression. Try to make the best of your positive outlook today.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+2+4+2+0+2+1= 13, 1+3=4.

Today’s number is: Four. Four is a number of stability, security and comfort. This is an ideal time to host a large gathering at home or spend time with friends who love you unconditionally and accept you for who you are. You may find your proverbial home base now, and from this mindset, your creativity expands dramatically. Decisions you make today can have a positive impact on your family and home.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I gain wisdom and enlightenment from connecting with eclectic friends. 

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