Sunday, November 22 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun enters Sagittarius. When it comes to the Sun’s transit, Scorpio season is officially over.
Yet Mercury and Venus remain in your Sun Sign, Scorpio, working their magic on your attraction, romance and communication skills.
Now that the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius, you may feel like expanding your wisdom and becoming more philosophical. It’s normally your style to dig deep for answers.
Yet you now may be soaring to heights to get a bird’s eye view of things.
Tarot Card of the Day: The King of Swords.
Today you may feel like you are becoming a guru or influencer for others. You can find it easier to get your point across and to use your power for benevolent purposes.
Your keen, sharp intellect comes across as more powerful and wise now as well. You may have a chance to wield power and influence in the coming days, how will you use it?
Numerology Report: 11/22/2020= 10, 1+0=1.
Today’s number is one. You may face the intense energy associated with new beginnings. This is a great time to invoke change and take new steps to creating lasting changes in your life.
Putting the first pieces of a puzzle together can be intimidating, but you Scorpio woman, are likely to embrace the unknown, not fear it.
Affirmation for the Day:
Today I expand my horizons and strive for my ideals.