Monday, November 2 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. Today’s transit may not hit home for others, Scorpio woman, but it will send some electrical charges into your life.
That’s because your Sun sign is being triggered by an opposition, or tense aspect, between the Sun (identity, Self, Ego) and Uranus (the Rebel of the planets).
Today you may feel energy stirring in your business or financial life. You may suddenly feel compelled to unearth the truth about your food or nutritional choices or make dramatic changes to your eating or spending habits.
You may also feel compelled to dramatically change the ways you seek security now. Your possessive nature can be challenged but the goal is to get past superficial materialism.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Empress.
Today’s Tarot Card is about Divine Feminine energy and finding your power as a nurturer. Where do you find abundance and security?
Shake down expectations and break with tradition today. Recognize your own inner power rather than waiting for validation or permission from others.
Numerology Report 11/2/2020= 8.
Today’s number is eight.
The number eight is known for being sacred.
Its shape suggests infinity. It is associated with mysticism, magic and the mysteries of death, rebirth and initiation. Today, reflect on the power of cycles and the cyclical path you are on personally.
How are you finding regeneration and rebirth?
Affirmation for the Day:
Today, I find power and security within.