Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 12, 2021

Friday, November 12 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde In Pisces. After a tense few days, today may seem like a much needed reprieve, especially in love. The Sun transiting your sign is in a very positive aspect to Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Your intuition is likely to be heightened now. 

You can find it easier to let your emotions flow today, and vulnerable conversations can lead to healing in relationships. Dreams from the past may start to come true now, so try to remain optimistic. Don’t let cynicism block you from seeing your options. Creativity may be essential to overcoming past roadblocks, especially in career.

You may see the best in others now. Take advantage of chances to soothe past wounds in your relationships with others now. Admitting to past mistakes can also clear the way for healing and nurturing relationships. Empathy and compassion are heightened now. You may be called to serve others as an unofficial mentor or counselor to those who are struggling.

This may be your lucky day for- ROMANCE- As much as today is an ideal time for love and healing in relationships, it’s also a great time for romance. Plan a sentimental date for the evening. Show your empathy and compassion freely today. Your attraction energy may emerge through showing your vulnerable, sensitive nature now, so try to lower your defenses in love. 

Take the time to nurture a relationship now and you’ll find greater growth in your emotional bond by the end of next month. Romance is brewing in your life today. Pamper yourself and your love interest. 

Tarot Reading for Today: The Lovers.

This is an ideal time to set the stage for love and romance. A partner or love interest who complements your own strengths can bring balance to your life. Nurture your love life now and try to accept your partner or love interest as they are without trying to change them. This unconditional love is necessary for your own growth as well. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+1+2+2+0+2+1=10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of independence, initiative, creativity and attraction. You may have a chance to start a new chapter in a relationship or shift your focus to self-empowerment in order to enhance your own attraction energy. You can find opportunities to initiate change in your love life and starting with a clean slate can help you to grow. This can be a good time to put your focus toward one specific goal that will strengthen your relationship rather than getting distracted by trying to accomplish too much at once. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily attract love, empathy, and healing. 

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