Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 11, 2021

Thursday, November 11 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in Scorpio quincunx Chiron Retrograde In Aries. Your planetary co-ruler Mars in your sign of Scorpio is now in a tense aspect to Chiron retrograde in Aries. Challenges you feel today may push your buttons and trigger your past wounds. Rather than reacting with defensiveness, try to go deeper into your healing so you can release the wounds you’re still haunted by.

You may be going through a growth phase now and facing your past wounds is part of this process. As you gain a new perspective on your past traumas and insecurities, you may also have an opportunity to advocate on behalf of others who are struggling with similar wounds. 

In love and relationships, try to avoid projecting your fears and insecurities onto others. This is not the time to resort to jealousy or possessiveness. You may need to be honest with a loved one about triggers from your past so you can work through your fears and avoid sabotaging the relationship.

Tarot Reading for Today: Knight of Wands.

You may be trying to keep yourself safe today, but protecting your vulnerable feelings can lead you to raise your defenses and push others away. Try to keep a level head today even as your deeper emotions are triggered. You can get farther through honest conversation than through knee-jerk reactions. You may need to adjust some of your assumptions so that you don’t make critical mistakes in your interactions with loved ones. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+1+1+2+0+2+1=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of expansion, advancement, and finding greater wisdom through your beliefs and perspective. You can find contentment and satisfaction today if you align your choices with your higher spiritual ideals. Act with integrity today, even if you feel as if others are cutting corners. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I find healing and wisdom from facing my past wounds. 

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