Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 6, 2022

Thursday, January 6th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. Your love of deep simmering mysteries and exploring the subconscious is heightened today. It’s also easier for you to express your compassionate and empathic side today. This is a great time to attract new love or enhance a partnership.

You can further develop your intuition, but remember to use your gift of discernment, be careful to not put others on a pedestal or idealize a partner or friend. 

You may be tempted to take on the world today. But overloading your plate with too many promises and obligations can lead you to burn out. You may want to rescue everyone and fulfill everyone’s needs and desires, but you’ll need to work hard to pace yourself and stay focused today.

This could be your lucky day for: LOVE. This is an ideal time to attract love or become more intimately connected to a love interest. It’s easy to radiate charm today. This is a good time to show your generosity and pamper others. You may have a chance to show your compassion and open your heart today. Try not to be defensive because of past hardships.

Your charisma and attraction power can draw others to follow you now. Not only in love but also in career or friendship, you can easily influence others and become a sought after guru now. Your social media following may get a boost today as well. Act on your spiritual ideals now and avoid manipulating others who are showing devotion and love for you. A long distance relationship you nurture now can come to form a stronger commitment by the end of next month.

Tarot reading for the day: Knight of Swords.

 You may have an easier time than usual allowing a romantic relationship to develop. Spontaneity will work in your favor today. Take someone up on an unexpected invitation. This is a great time for travel or to take initiative, especially  when it comes to taking risks in relationships and in career. Try not to over-analyze a new prospect and trust your instincts now.

Numerology report of the day: 1+6+2+0+2+2=13. 1+3=4. 

Today’s number is: Four. Four is a number of harmony, so today is a time to get to your core desires for security. Though you may be driven by emotion, inspiration and fantasy today, you’ll also need to remain grounded in order to set a solid foundation. The number Four keeps you focused on the present as you create a strong path for the future. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily share love and empathy, and this attracts many admirers.

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