Wednesday, January 6 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. If you’ve had a difficult time reconciling responsibilities with your desire to pursue your fantasies and wishes, today you’ll feel relief.
This is a turning point, and your need to be focused on the mundane details is more easily fueled by creativity, idealism and intuition. You still have to use your elbow grease, but it may now start to seem a little easier to see your efforts pay off.
Tarot Card of the Day: Six of Cups
An influential person from your past may reconcile with you now. You may find greater happiness and balance, and your secure foundation will become more stable through the help of friends.
This is an important time of reconciliation and healing. Work on creating emotional connection and healing friendships and relationships with family now.
Numerology Report of the Day: (1+0+6+2+0+2+1) = 12, (1+2) = 3
Today’s number is Three. Three is a number of growth, expansion and abundance. Can you see yourself stretching in new directions now?
You may need to broaden your view. Three helps us remember the important cycles within our lives; are you on the verge of a major milestone now?
Consider how you are growing and finding greater abundance now.