Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 23, 2022

Sunday, January 23rd – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury Rx conjunct Sun in Aquarius. Mercury retrograde conjunct Sun in Aquarius brings out your creativity, intuition and innovation. But as a focused and sometimes obsessive Scorpio woman, this energy can also fuel your potential to go to extremes. Be mindful of moderation today. Open your mind to unusual ideas and try to see beyond your own preconceived ideas.

You can find innovative solutions to old problems now. Release yourself from traditions that may be keeping you stuck now. This is an important time to explore new technologies and learn about new perspectives that enhance and inspire your vision.

In love and romance, you may resort to shocking outbursts that can lead you to alienate others. Pay attention to friends who support your individuality, but don’t push your peers and friends away.

Tarot reading for the day: Three of Wands.

You may be surprised at your own spontaneous ideas today and this can be a great time to collaborate with others in ways that take surprising twists and turns. This can become shocking to others who know you. Avoid manipulating others or acting in dominating ways. Instead, this is a good time to influence and inspire others to follow your lead.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+3+2+0+2+2=12, 1+2=3. 

Today’s number is: Three. Three is a number of advancement, expansion and collaboration. Working in a group can bring greater success even if you feel like taking on tasks on your own. You can also find it easier to understand unusual perspectives that test the limits of your beliefs. Be open to communicating in new ways or embracing new technologies that streamline your work and collaboration.  

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am inspired by new ideas and my vision is inspired by unconventional people.

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