Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 11, 2022

Tuesday, January 11th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury in Aquarius square Moon and Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Today, the planet of communications and intellect, Mercury, is concerned with futuristic matters in the sign of the rebel and of innovation, Aquarius. These planets are caught up in a tense aspect to both Moon and Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus.

You may feel restless because what you think and how you express yourself comes out erratically and in shocking ways. 

Particularly when it comes to finance, your desires may be conflicted between what you want and what you have to face in order to succeed. You may end up projecting this outward if you’re not careful, and today can seem chaotic.

Pamper yourself today and take the time to make yourself feel nurtured and cared for. Look for eccentric, creative ways to make money or get your practical needs met.

Today brings the sudden surprise breakthroughs you’ve needed. This is particularly true when it comes to career, finances and romance.

Be open to relationships with rebellious or unusual people. You may also feel like rebelling by pushing others away, but it’s important that you not undermine relationships that are actually supportive.  

Tarot reading for the day: Ace of Wands.

You may need to be mindful of avoiding drama as hectic or chaotic situations erupt among colleagues or peers. Look for allies and mentors who are grounded and let them help you remember your center now. You may easily slip into suspicion and your anxiety and mental activity may be heightened as Uranus transiting your opposite sign comes into difficult aspects with Mercury. Don’t focus on retaliation, instead, stay rooted in the moment. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+1+1+2+0+2+2=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of completion, advancement, contentment, and evolution. You may rise to new levels in career in the near future and this can help you fulfill your potential if you don’t get distracted. The number Nine encourages you to stretch outside of your comfort zone and broaden your views. This is a beneficial time for travel and embracing new beliefs and insights.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I channel my mental energy and acuity into projects that help me succeed and show my strengths.

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