Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 21, 2022

Friday, January 21st – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Grand Earth Trine, Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo. Today is a Grand Earth Trine meaning important planets align in a lucky aspect to each other. In doing so, they form one big triangle connecting each of the earth signs. This empowers earth energy and can help you stay grounded, even if it feels like all the earth energy also creates slower momentum than you were hoping for.

Uranus, Venus and the Moon bring unpredictable changes that can force you to take a closer look at what you thought you valued. 

This can be a great time to narrow down your focus and settle in to commitments you’ve been avoiding. Especially when it comes to commitments to a new path in career, abundance and health.

Earth energy is associated with money, work, and health. This is a great time to make unusual changes that set a solid foundation for the future of your career. Creating new routines that promote health and physical comfort is also favored now. 

In love and relationships, you may seek connection to unusual people who inspire you because of their quirky style and futuristic vision. You can enhance a relationship today by inviting unusual surprises and spontaneity. You may also make a decision to commit to a relationship that has been on-again-off-again.

Today may be your lucky day for: COMMITMENT. With all this earth energy connected by lucky trines, you are likely to attract the love and support you need from others who are serious about making a commitment today. Venus can help you show your charm and creativity and this can also attract the attention of people who are influential in your career as well as potential love interests who take you seriously.

Shocking Uranus can bring unusual twists and turns that lead to a connection you weren’t expecting. The Moon in Virgo is helping you to set roots and turn surprising opportunities into regular routines. You may be able to manifest what you desire with greater ease now. 

Opportunities that begin to manifest now will generate greater abundance by the middle of next month.

Tarot reading for the day: Ten of Pentacles.

You’re likely to have lucky breaks that bring wealth and abundance. You may find others who are willing to invest in you both financially and emotionally, showing you that they believe in your potential. You may find it easier to gain recognition and inspire others to promote your work. Enjoy the fruits of your work with a love interest, and don’t forget to pamper yourself today.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+2+0+2+2= 10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of new beginnings, initiative and independence. Summon your energy and focus on your one overall goal and as you succeed in moving forward, other accomplishments will fall into place. This is a great time for using creativity to solve problems and open new doors that can prove beneficial, especially in career. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily attract admirers and supportive people who help me commit to my dreams.

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