Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 2, 2022

Sunday, January 2nd – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury enters Aquarius. This can be an intense, hectic and chaotic time for you. The erratic energy can overstimulate your already astute mind. When Mercury transits Aquarius, you may have sudden epiphanies that can be groundbreaking but which also can feel overwhelming and intimidating to you.

On the one hand, you may find it easier to break from obsessions and consider new ideas and plans. On the other hand, you may feel restless and unable to focus, which is usually how you achieve success.

In career, taking new trainings or using new technologies can help you advance in the long run. Try not to jump on too many bandwagons at once, but be open to branching out in new directions. Be open to cutting edge or unusual beliefs or practices.

Prioritize nurturing your friendships now. Even if you long for romance, this is likely to be a confusing time if you try to focus too much on intimate relationships and love. You may feel detached or may continually change plans, and this can cause chaos in a romantic relationship. Your need for independence is intensified. Keep a romance alive by flirting and exploring your kinky side, but also set boundaries.

Tarot reading for the day: Knight of Swords.

This can be a great time for major breakthroughs. Through unusual twists and turns, you may have lucky breaks you weren’t expecting. At the same time, the surprises coming your way can lead you to feel overwhelmed. Take a breath, center yourself and accept new prospects. Travel or change of scenery may be on the horizon for you now. Try not to spend too much energy researching your options based on the past and invest more in trusting your intuition, as things will not go according to tradition now.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+2+0+2+2=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of expansion and good luck. Travel can be beneficial and so can learning new skills or delving into new studies. Take a class, pour through a stack of books that help you learn more about a new interest. Let friends help you to expand your beliefs now. Don’t let insecurities keep you stuck in the past now.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I channel my strong instincts and ride out changes, embracing new opportunities along the way.

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