Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 16, 2022

Sunday, January 16th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon in Cancer quincunx Mercury Rx in Aquarius. Today the Moon in fellow water sign Cancer is in an awkward quincunx to Mercury in Aquarius. The Moon brings out your subconscious emotions and drives, and in the sign of Cancer, the Moon is empowered. This is also a sign that you relate to well as a Scorpio woman. Today your intuition is strengthened.

You may drop your defenses and try to nurture those you care about. This can be an important time for you to take a break and pamper yourself as well. Family and friends can help you find healing and comfort today.

Likewise, Mercury is excited and inspired by rebellious Aquarius. But when the Moon is in a quincunx to Mercury, you stifle your feelings or may feel self-conscious about your intuition and emotions.

Trust your intuition, though you may feel uncomfortable with the work you know you have to do now. You may learn important new ideas from influential people in your network who challenge you to break tradition and find innovative ways to express your mission.

Tarot reading for the day: Queen of Wands.

If you are open to unusual ideas, you may be able to grow and develop your intuition. Your personal passions can also inspire you to take broad steps toward leadership and to share your ideas on a grand scale. Your friendships may nurture you more than family or romantic relationships.

Numerology report of the day: 1+1+6+2+0+2+2=14, 1+4=5. 

Today’s number is: Five. Five is a catalyst for necessary changes. This number can bring disruption and create difficulties in your career and daily life. You can find it difficult to maintain control as much as you would like. Let go of the need to micromanage today. You may have to face challenges that help you gain clarity on what is most important to you now.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I can release distractions and find empowerment through challenges.

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