Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 15, 2022

Saturday, January 15th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This can be an intense day as your planetary co-ruler, Pluto, is in conjunction with the Sun in the sign of Capricorn. This can be a great time for powerful transformation, but you’ll need to be honest with yourself about facing your fears and insecurities. It’s no use projecting a false image that you don’t actually feel.

Better to be honest with yourself and do the hard work of digging to delve deeper beneath the surface so you can take on an important transformation now. 

Keep your focus on striving for your full potential today. Money, wealth, and status may seem to be on the horizon but so is the temptation to spend before you’ve gotten the money in your hands or act as if you’re miles ahead of where you currently are in the process of growth and advancement.

Avoid possessiveness and manipulation today, especially when it comes to relationships with a romantic interest or loved one. If your focus is on your own growth and development, it will help your relationship in the long run.

Tarot reading for the day: Judgment.

Judgment is a heavy archetype because it deals with the magnetic energy that brings you closer to dramatic change, even as this change is still on the horizon. You may have a lot of anticipation anxiety now as you approach a major crossroads or milestone. You will have big decisions to make in the near future, especially related to career and personal freedom, but for now, you are being asked to take stock of your priorities and the obstacles you find on your path.

Numerology report of the day: 1+1+5+2+0+2+2=13, 1+3=4. 

Today’s number is: Four. Four is a number of stability, roots, and harmony. Though you’re faced with the need to make important changes in the near future, this is an important time to revisit your core values and principles, as these will guide you in the future. Try to strike a balance between creativity and initiative as well as security and moderation.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I release stagnation and embrace rebirth and transformation.

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