Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 13, 2022

Thursday, January 13th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus Rx aligned with Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. Today Venus is coming into closer contact with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. This can lead you to easily attract opportunities based on past connections in your network.

This re-emergence of new growth and potential is likely to surface in matters of career and money. Before jumping right into the change you want to make, try to nurture the connections you’ve been making with others in your professional network, you may be surprised by the conversations you make today that will pay off better than expected in the near future.

This is also a great time to show your attraction power. You may find that others are attracted to you and potential lovers emerge now, especially in your workplace or in settings where you stand out as a professional. Take your time, even if a change is on the horizon, Capricorn is a sign that will not be rushed and Venus is still retrograde. You may have new interests come out of the woodwork, but this is an important time to use discretion.

This could be your lucky day for: ABUNDANCE. Today starts a cycle that can bring opportunities to release clutter from your life. This is an important time to make space for abundance and new resources, including money and other material needs, but you’ve also got to be mindful of routines or patterns that are holding you back and need to be released. This time of letting go is both emotional and physical. Clearing out your closets and parting with things that are no longer essential can help you attract what you now need. 

This can also be a good time to transform your personal or professional identity or some aspect of your appearance or identity when it comes to love and romance. Rethink your image or personal brand now. Experiment with new adjustments to your appearance or professional image before settling on what you wish to show the world. Changes you make now can lead to dramatic growth in career by mid March.

Tarot reading for the day: Knight of Pentacles.

Your focus and patience will help you stay on course now as you are entering a new phase in your career of professional life. This is an excellent time to work on manifestation work of all kinds. Don’t close yourself off from new opportunities and consider making some sacrifices in order to remain focused on the path that really matters most to you.

Numerology report of the day: 1+1+3+2+0+2+2= 11. 

Today’s number is: Eleven. Eleven is a Master Number and as such it is not further reduced. Eleven is associated with leadership, intuition and insight. You may stand out to others as exceptionally creative, charismatic and influential. Your energy is likely to be intense today, so be sure to channel it toward inspiring others and acting as a role model or leader to those who relate to your experiences and challenges.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily manifest abundance in all its forms.

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