Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 1, 2022

Saturday, January 1st – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun in Capricorn with Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Stellium in Capricorn. With so many planets in an earth sign like Capricorn, you are likely to feel like things are advancing slower than usual. Make the most of this, as you can be patient and diligent as you cautiously pursue your desires.

This is a great time to take a slow and steady path to success at work and in your career. Restrictions or hardships only help you to set deeper roots now, make the most of the added diligence and focus on stability and security.

You may be headed for a dramatic change that can set you on a new course in your career, but it is essential for you to not rush the process. This is an important time for you to focus on what you desire to attract in your life. Don’t let distractions stand in the way of your goals. Focus on channeling your determination. Your hard work and efforts can lead you to success, nurture your professional network.

In love and romance, avoid rushing in to a new relationship. This can be a great time to make a decision that may include a major commitment. Don’t shy away from difficulties in relationships. Work through challenges that can make or break a relationship. You may gain new insights from difficult lessons now.  

Tarot reading for the day: The Emperor.

This is a great time to set your foundation and be firm about your boundaries. You may feel empowered in your career now and others may look to you for financial advice. You may feel more protective than usual, try not to be dominating of others. Keep your focus as fair and objective as possible. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+1+2+0+2+2= 8.

Today’s number is: Eight. Eight is a number of rebirth, transformation and power. This is also your special number as a Scorpio woman. You may feel highly motivated to make dramatic changes that you’ve been delaying. Assert your ideas and opinions as your authority will be sought by others now. You may find a path to rebirth through embracing change, especially in career. Be strategic and don’t put all your cards on the table now. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I can easily find security and attract new opportunities for financial growth.

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