Scorpio Daily Horoscope

February 14, 2022

Monday, February 14th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Pluto in Capricorn trine True Node in Taurus/Mercury enters Aquarius. Today is a busy day filled with intense energies that impact you personally. For starters, your planetary co-ruler, Pluto, is trine the North Node, which can make you feel obsessively drawn toward breaking new ground. This is particularly true when it comes to matters of career and business. Today, Mercury, the messenger planet, also begins a transit through Aquarius. 

New breakthroughs can bring excitement and optimism. Try to keep an open mind, especially when it comes to ideas for work that can dramatically break with tradition. A casual conversation can bring groundbreaking insights. Don’t overlook the importance of connection. 

Your love life can be filled with unexpected twists of fate. Taking a carefree approach can be helpful, but be careful about the temptation to lower your filter. Speaking your mind impulsively can have unintended consequences, as you’ll be likely to burn bridges if not careful. Channel your creative energies into unplanned adventures.

Tarot reading for the day: The Magician.

This can be an ideal day for practicing manifestation and attraction as long as you vow to let go of expectations for any specific results. Trust the universe to know the best way to get to your destination. Don’t get sucked into power struggles. This is an ideal time to keep your focus on your overall goal and not instant gratification. Your creative energy can help you solve problems and attract new opportunities. Don’t block any possibilities, this is a good time for brainstorming.

Numerology report of the day: 2+1+4+2+0+2+2=13, 1+3=4. 

Today’s number is: Four. Four is a number of balance and security. Take the time to ground yourself. Enjoy the creature comforts that help you to feel at home. You may feel even more protective of your inner feelings, but try not to push others away today. You may become keenly aware of what seems to be lacking in your life. Be honest with yourself about your inner desires and feelings. Don’t try to mask what you really need.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily attract new ideas and draw love and interest from others.

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