Scorpio Daily Horoscope

February 10, 2022

Thursday, February 10th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Jupiter in Pisces trine Uranus in Taurus. Today’s trine between lucky Jupiter and shocking Uranus in your opposing sign of Taurus can bring tumultuous but ultimately fortunate energy. Emotional and sensitive fellow water sign of Pisces and the practical sign of Taurus correlate to intuition, emotion, creativity, compassion, nurturing and love. You may find it easy to express your gentle, empathic and loving side now.

Your intuition is spiked and you can more easily empathize with others, so much so that you may feel entangled in others’ feelings. Uranus in Taurus energy can challenge you to set boundaries and not lose yourself in an intense obsession.  You may also change your sense of values and priorities. 

In career and work, you can succeed if you lower your defenses and show your compassion. Take a personal approach to interacting with your colleagues and clients. Show your human side and don’t feel the need to be overtly professional. 

This could be your lucky day for: LOVE. Your charm and flirtatious nature are amplified now. Jupiter expands and amplifies everything it comes into contact with, so this transit not only shines a light on your love life and attraction potential and helps you to influence others in positive ways. 

Flaunt your best outfit or favorite style now, and prepare to be noticed. Others may come out of the woodwork to show their interest in you now.

Channel your compassionate energy in soft and nurturing ways. Align with your feminine energy and embody the nature of your planetary ruler, Venus. You may need to show more vulnerability and let your guard down today. A major new change in love and romance can lead to a commitment and a serious relationship by early April. 

Tarot reading for the day: Nine of Cups.

This is a great day for showing your vulnerability. Your sensitive nature can actually draw others to you. Try not to hide behind your defenses today. Trust your intuition and spend time reflecting on your priorities. You can find the motivation and strength to manifest your desires; however, you’ll need to be transparent and open about what you truly want. You may be intuitively led to make the right moves in love, even if this means breaking with your typical routines or taking unusual risks. 

Numerology report of the day: 2+1+0+2+0+2+2=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of expansion, luck, abundance and charm. This is an ideal number for today as it is associated with Jupiter, the planet that is helping to increase your attraction and manifestation energy. Expand your vision and embrace new viewpoints. Travel can lead to fortunate connections that  improve your career. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I find the confidence to reveal my vulnerable side and show my feelings in relationships.

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