Wednesday, December 9 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Moon in Libra sextile Mercury in Sagittarius. Romance runs high today and your ideals may be top of mind. This is an ideal time to communicate from your influential and idealistic side, not from your emotions.
Writing love letters or poetry, exploring the philosophy behind love and romance and expressing your needs in diplomatic and eloquent ways can all be beneficial for you today.
Tarot Card of the Day: Queen of Wands.
Today, you may find your passions and desires softened by your ability to be a diplomat. You can speak with compassion and eloquence today. This is an ideal time to express yourself and share your desires and passions through your words.
Put your aspirations and ideals into words now. This is an ideal time to explore an intellectual connection with a friend or potential love interest. A romantic bond may begin as an inspiring friendship that stimulates your mind.
Numerology Report of the Day: 1+2+0+9+2+0+2+0= 16, 1+6=7.
Today’s Number is Seven. Often thought of as a number of good fortune, Seven is a spiritual number. It represents the evolved Self and connection to the Divine. This number is also associated with purity and inspiration.
Affirmation for Today:
Today I can harness the best of my creative potential and use this power for manifestation.