Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 8, 2021

Wednesday, December 8 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius. This is a tense time for you to work through limitations and reconsider your core goals. You may feel stifled by circumstances beyond your control. You don’t have to stall in your tracks. Instead, you can draw on your intuition and determination to find unique opportunities.

You will be able to grow and thrive in spite of these limitations or hardships. Look for opportunities to become more self-disciplined and remain open to unexpected changes and new opportunities. 

Once you become comfortable adapting your goals to changing circumstances, you’ll be better able to find the inspiration you need. Career growth and personal reinvention are likely now and in the coming days. 

You may also come to see a relationship in a dramatically different way. Though a difficult situation triggers this epiphany, in the near future, you’ll feel lucky to have had this new breakthrough.

Tarot reading for the day: The Chariot.

Though you may feel stuck now, take advantage of this time to reconsider your top priorities. You may be called to release baggage now so that you can succeed. This is an important time of inner work and personal growth, so even if it seems like nothing is going on, remember that you are indeed in a growth spurt that will become an incubator for growth and transformation in the near future.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+8+2+0+2+1=16, 1+6=7. 

Today’s number is: Seven. Seven is a number of ideals, perfection and growth. Though you may feel as if you are stagnating, you haven’t lost momentum. Don’t rush to the finish line now. Use your skills of intuition and careful analysis to prepare strategies that will truly help you set a secure foundation in the future.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am able to challenge limitations and growth in spite of obstacles.

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