Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 7, 2021

Tuesday, December 7 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. You may have unusual breakthroughs and dramatic new insights that lead you to want to make impulsive changes. Connections, especially those with unconventional people, can lead you to embrace new beliefs or explore taboo topics.

You may go on a mission researching obscure communities or traditions and encompassing esoteric practices into your routines or philosophy. This is a good time to make uncharted moves to advance in your career.

Be careful in personal relationships today. You may feel like you’re walking on a tight rope. The slightest provocation can lead loved ones to over react. You may also be tempted to snipe at people when a simple conversation would suffice.

This can be a good day to pursue your individual interests and take a step back from intimate relationships. You are likely to be intense, erratic, and moody today, so be aware of triggers that could make you want to misdirect your emotions.

Tarot reading for the day: Knight of Wands.

Today you may feel an impulse to travel off the beaten path or to invest in unusual new trends. Do your research before acting spontaneously. This is a good time to change directions in career and to explore dramatic shifts in focus and perception. You may feel called to explore new communities and grassroots organizations. Don’t hold back today. This is a good time to satisfy your curiosity and delve deeper into unusual interests or hobbies.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+7+2+0+2+1=15, 1+5=6. 

Today’s number is: Six. 

Six is a number of unconditional love, compassion, and balance. You may feel overwhelmed with a romantic relationship now, but stepping back can give you greater perspective on how your partner complements your own gifts and strengths. This is a good time to show your love of humanity by getting involved in grassroots organizations or philanthropic groups.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am free to change direction and break down barriers to growth.

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