Saturday, December 5 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Moon in Leo square Venus in Scorpio. For a while now, Venus, the Planet of Love has been transiting your Natal Sun Sign, Scorpio. That is generally likely to give your love life and relationships a boost. Yet today, Venus in Scorpio is in a difficult aspect to Moon in Leo.
You may want recognition and admiration but a partner or love interest is not connecting easily with you. You may fall for someone who is not available. You may also feel like a partner or loved one isn’t fully appreciative of you or is not showing the admiration or overt connection that you desire.
Something needs to change so that you can feel the passion and admiration your partner has for you. You may have to deal with insecurities in a different way or work through tension or misunderstandings in order to strengthen the connection now.
Tarot Card of the Day: Five of Swords.
Tempers may flair and your ideas may clash with others. But isn’t this how we grow? It may irk you today, Scorpio woman, but you’ll get much farther if you try to work through your differences of opinion than by ignoring conflicts or dismissing those who don’t share your opinion. It may be tense and challenging, but today is the perfect day to try to navigate through your differences with others.
Numerology Report of the Day: 1+2+0+5+2+0+2+0= 12, 1+2=3.
Today’s Number is Three.
This is a magical number associated with creativity, expansion and advancement. Just as creation of human life requires the combination of two individuals, so does the number three represent the creative force that is generated by the combination of opposites.
The number Three is associated with synergy– an additional force that expands beyond the synthesis of two opposites. This is an ideal time for growth, expansion and trying to integrate opposing opposites within yourself so you can find greater power.
Affirmation for Today:
Today, I am open to expanding my wisdom by embracing new ideas and beliefs.