Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 4, 2021

Saturday, December 4th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun, Mercury, Moon lined up in Sagittarius. Today, several personal planets—the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon—are lined up in Sagittarius. This alignment brings added luck and good fortune to your personal life. You may feel more confident than usual today.

You may also have an easier time showing your emotions on a larger scale or being your authentic self. You can lower your defenses today because of the general feeling that your luck is making a turn for the better. 

This is a good time to take some risks, considering how calculated and cautious you tend to be. Make a bold move to improve your finances or to express your feelings for someone special. Go out on a limb today and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

The vibe today can be great for your career. You may benefit from showing off a little at work. Take the lead and your initiative will be noticed by influential people. You may have a chance to rub elbows with important people, don’t be a wallflower today.

Today may be your lucky day for: TRAVEL. Today you’re likely to have good luck when it comes to planning a special trip or taking off and hitting the road on a whim. This is definitely not the time for Netflix and chill at home. Let your wanderlust take you to new places.

Your romance may also become more intense today if you take off on a trip with your love interest. Put your worries and responsibilities on the back burner and venture off somewhere exciting. You don’t need to splurge financially, but taking care of the creature comforts you desire can go a long way to making a memorable adventure together.

People you connect with today at home or abroad can turn out to be important contacts who help uplift your career and personal growth. You’ll see these connections come to fruition by the end of next month.

Tarot reading for the day: King of Wands.

This is a great day for writing, publishing, communication, and networking. Your connections can help you advance professionally today. You may also begin to explore different beliefs or expand your knowledge of your own spiritual or philosophical interests. Aim high today. You’ll have the energy and passion to follow through. Today, your Scorpio laser focused mindset is enhanced by a boost of big picture dreaming and larger visions.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+4+2+0+2+1=12, 1+2=3. 

Today’s number is: Three. Three is a number of expansion, abundance, and growth. You may feel like a cycle is coming to fruition, leading to personal gain financially and emotionally. This is indeed a time to celebrate. You don’t want to play small today. Collaborating in groups is key. Although you are adept at accomplishing the impossible, it’s critical to collaborate rather than competing today.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am well on the way to succeeding in accomplishing my goals. 

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