Thursday, December 3 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. Mercury, the Messenger, is in the sign of philosophy and expansion today and in a positive aspect to the Wounded Healer, Chiron.
This is an ideal time to express your unique ideas and insights. Those special bits of wisdom hard earned and the result of your many trials and tribulations. You may feel more optimistic about obstacles you’ve overcome in the past.
You can also pave the way for others who need empowerment and positivity today, because of your own experiences with struggles and wounds in the past.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Hermit.
This is an important time to trust your higher wisdom. You may need to step away from your typical influences and intuition will supersede your typically sharp logic now. Trust in your inner guidance, even if it leads you onto a path less taken. You may feel apart from the crowd now but this is in the best interest of your own growth and perspective.
Numerology Report of the Day: 1+2+0+3+2+0+2+0= 10, 1+0=1.
Today’s Number is One. You may feel like your efforts are finally coming full circle. This is a great time to find your focus and you may have a one track mind now. That’s ok, as it will serve to help you find success.
This is a time of great concentrated effort which can help you manifest your goals. You may need to keep a singular focus now, but doing so will ensure your success.
Affirmation for Today:
Today, I can draw on my unique intuition for guidance and trust my instincts.