Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 28, 2021

Tuesday, December 28 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in Sagittarius approaches a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. Today is an ideal time to delve into unusual interests. You’re magnetic and attractive to others, but in the coming days you’ll have a unique opportunity to branch into new interests related to your fascination with the occult, spirituality and the arts. 

This is a good day to join new groups and start building up your network in ways that can dramatically expand your mind. Plan a trip with friends and explore some place you’ve never been. 

You may have more focus and energy today and breakthroughs help you to feel more optimistic. You may even start to feel invincible, so be sure to keep yourself grounded. It’s a great day to meet new people and strike up a friendly flirtation.

While your passions are heightened today, you may be craving freedom more than intimate romantic encounters. Give yourself some breathing room. This can also go a long way to reignite the passion in an existing relationship.

Tarot reading for the day: Three of Pentacles.

Today you’ll find your new partners in crime. A group or organization you feel at home with, even if you all have your quirks. This is a good time to put your talents and wits together with this crew and create new innovations that can both serve your community and open your eyes to new interests. This could also be a good time to collaborate with peers at work so that you can achieve goals you’ve been struggling with on your own.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+2+8+2+0+2+1=18, 1+8=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of expansion, wisdom, and evolution. Your personal growth can take off in new ways today, as your spiritual and philosophical beliefs are expanded with the help of new perspectives. New friends and participation in new groups can help you to gain wisdom today. Branch out in new directions now and you may be surprised at how a shift in beliefs can transform your life.

Affirmation for today: 

Today, I easily attract new friendships and collaborators.

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