Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 25, 2021

Saturday, December 25 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus Rx conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Today, you may have to backtrack through past plans to find clarity on your priorities and values when it comes to career and finances. What you thought was most important to you may need to be revised. This is a good time to put plans on hold and sit with your options. Do some deeper soul searching about the direction you want your career to take in the new year.

When it comes to relationships, you may feel like a loved one is acting cool and aloof. Don’t jump to conclusions today. You can avoid a conflict or argument in a relationship now by treading carefully through situations that trigger you. You’re likely to find that loved ones need more space than usual; don’t take this boundary personally. 

Tarot reading for the day: Death.

Dramatic change and transformation are underfoot today. You may feel as if the ground is giving way, but these growing pains are giving you an opportunity to clear the slate and begin again. You may have to make your boundaries clear now. Don’t hold on to past obligations out of a sense of fear or guilt. The growth that awaits you will make the current confusion and conflict feel worthwhile. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+2+5+2+0+2+1=15, 1+5=6. 

Today’s number is: Six. Six is a number of unconditional love. Though you may be in the midst of dramatic transformation that can make your relationship feel unstable, try to remember the bigger picture. The long-term goals of your relationship require unconditional love. Don’t let momentary challenges eclipse the positive connection you’ve made to a partner or love interest.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am strong and committed to stability in spite of changes in my relationships. 

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