Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 23, 2021

Thursday, December 23 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus Rx in Capricorn quincunx Moon in Leo. Take caution when addressing conflicts in love and relationships today. This can be a tense time and you’ll need to respect the boundaries of others, even if you feel passionate about wanting to intervene for them. 

This can be a good time to tone down any plans that would have involved drama. Try to find more moderate ways to get your point across. If you come across as too flamboyant and over the top, you may end up intimidating others today, and this is not what you want.

In career, you may have to adjust to news that is difficult to hear. Try to minimize your ego attachment to an issue. Don’t let a career role define you now. Make adjustments to your routines or expectations even if it means compromising and not taking the lead today.

Tarot reading for the day: The High Priestess.

You may have an intuitive sense that you need to make a change, though your ego may be resistant to this inner wisdom. Realign your priorities. Don’t silence this subtle voice guiding you. This is not the time to make a dramatic gesture or to go to extremes. Show others a soft, nurturing and supportive side of yourself today.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+2+3+2+0+2+1=13, 1+3=4. 

Today’s number is: Four. Four is a number of balance and stability. Rather than making a splash, today is a day to set down roots. Take the middle road to get what you want and avoid unnecessary conflict and confrontation today. Spend some time creating comfort at home and enjoy the connection you have with family and friends.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I find power in subtlety.

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