Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 18, 2021

Saturday, December 18 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury in Sagittarius square Chiron Rx in Aries/Full Moon in Gemini. This is a great time for you to overcome past wounds. You may have to retread through old challenges now, but it will be worth it. You’ll be able to overcome past insecurities and this will free you to put your energy toward proactive goals.

This is a great day for manifestation, especially when it comes to communicating your needs to others. You may make a powerful impression on influential people if you get out of your comfort zone. Give a presentation or training, speech or teach a class. This is a great time for networking and using your charm and diplomacy to pave the way for success in career.

In relationships, pay attention to how your unresolved past issues are weighing on your current connections. Are you projecting your fears and insecurities onto others? This is a good time to work on giving others a fresh start without wounds from the past interfering in your present relationships.

Today may be your lucky day for: FRIENDSHIPS. Though you can find healing in relationships now, it’s actually an ideal time for you to work on expanding your social circle and attracting new friendships. You may feel awkward today, but try to project an image of confidence to the world now. This is a good time to act as if you’ve already succeeded in your mission. Others will be drawn to you because of your radiant energy and passion. 

Don’t underestimate the connections you are making today. Friendships that are strengthened now can lead to success and accomplishments in business or career in the second week of December.

Tarot reading for the day: Knight of Pentacles.

Your path to abundance may seem slow, but you’re actually working at just the right speed. You may wish to see the fruits of your labor take hold sooner. Try to be patient. You are making key connections today, and the groundwork you are setting will ensure stability and security in the future.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+8+2+0+2+1=17, 1+7=8. 

Today’s number is: Eight. Eight is a number of transformation and initiation. It is also the number associated with your sign, Scorpio woman. You may be embarking on a new path toward self-discovery and empowerment. This is an excellent time to face and conquer your past demons. Commit to accomplishing your goals now and your focus and perseverance will help you succeed.

Affirmation for today:

Today, my social network is my key to overcoming obstacles and making progress.

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