Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 17, 2021

Friday, December 17 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Saturn in Aquarius approaches a square to Uranus Rx in Taurus. This can be an intense time for you. Though this transit has been recurring throughout the year and has a global impact, in your personal life you may feel more conflict arising. This is because Uranus rx in Taurus is in your opposing sign. 

As a Scorpio woman, you’ll feel the disruption this causes as a major shakedown in your personal life. You may have to work through a surprise change in your work schedule or routines. Unexpected news can also make you feel insecure about your financial situation.

This issue is resolvable, but will take some creativity and innovation on your part. While you have a gift for intelligence and research, you can be better served by being adaptive now. There simply won’t be an easy precedent to draw from. Instead, try to go with the flow and be open to ways that you can make the most of unpredictable twists and turns today, especially in work and money.

When it comes to love and relationships, this can be a rocky time. Sparks may fly, so be careful to choose your words carefully. You may feel sensitive to the erratic energy today. Be careful not to fly off the handle if your feelings are triggered. Take your time and pick your battles. Some conflicts will have a surprising way of working out when you least expect it.

Tarot reading for the day: Five of Wands.

Arguments break out easily today as you are triggered to react before thinking. This can lead to regrettable decisions. It’s best if you try to come to a shared understanding before reacting on impulse. It may seem difficult to collaborate with others. Slow down and try to figure out the best way to compromise and come to a shared agreement. Let the conflicts that arise today help you clarify your own intentions and desires. Don’t get distracted by power struggles now.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+7+2+0+2+1=16, 1+6=7. 

Today’s number is: Seven. Seven is a number of idealism, spirituality, and refinement. You may be challenged to slow down and consider your options before committing to a course of action today. Test your perseverance today. You’re good at giving your full focus to a project, so use this talent today to keep your eye on the overall goal rather than trying to rush to the perceived finish line.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am empowered by overcoming challenges. I show my commitment to succeed.

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