Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 15, 2021

Wednesday, December 15 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in Scorpio opposite True Node in Gemini. Mars finalizes its path through Scorpio and comes into an opposition with the North Node in Gemini before moving into Sagittarius. This can seem like a fateful day for you. 

This is a good time to trust your intuition when making decisions. You’re being led to a path that aligns with your destiny. Don’t overthink things today. Trust your instincts.

You may feel as if you’re being magnetically drawn toward new opportunities. Even if you can’t explain this instinct, move in the direction you feel pulled. In career, you may have a chance to show your talents and show off today. Trust in your capabilities and others will notice what you’re capable of.

In love and relationships, important decisions are made now that can have a significant impact on your destiny. Don’t let anxiety paralyze you. You are already making the right choices. Continue building on the path you’ve started.

This can be your lucky day for: GOOD FORTUNE. Coincidences, accidents and things you weren’t expecting to be a big deal may end up being more significant than you initially expected. Avoid overanalyzing now. You’re setting the groundwork for major changes that bring you closer to fulfilling your mission.

Be more receptive today than assertive. Allow opportunities and resources to fall into place. You have the momentum you need to succeed. You may not be able to control the process, but really, you wouldn’t want to. It’s in your best interest to go with the flow now. Decisions you make today and in the coming days will bring luck and good fortune into your life. You’ll see your labor bear fruit early next month.

Tarot reading for the day: The Fool.

You may have better luck today if you don’t micromanage yourself or others. Be spontaneous and make choices that allow you to keep your options open. You are in a good position to be open to new possibilities. The Fool archetype presents wisdom in unexpected places. You may have breakthroughs and insights that come to you in the unlikeliest of places. Creative activities fuel your imagination and help you to follow your mission.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+5+2+0+2+1=15, 1+4=5. 

Today’s number is: Five. Five is an energetic catalyst for change and transformation. Though it may bring a ripple effect of disruptive events into your life today, keep in mind that you are being shown different opportunities. The energy of Five helps you to shake obstacles from your path and embrace new options. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am aligning my actions with my purpose and mission.

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