Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 13, 2021

Monday, December 13 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in final degree of Scorpio. Your planetary coruler is finalizing its way through your sign today, and Mars has an energizing effect on your unique talents. You may feel as if you are under pressure to accomplish more now. Your motivation is enhanced, which can help you pull through stagnation and finalize important projects.

Yet you may also feel an urgent sense that you’ve got to act fast. Try to discern the actual deadlines you’re facing from internal pressure you’re putting on yourself. 

This is an ideal time to channel your energy into productive projects. Be aware of the impulse to lash out at others. Mars leaving your sign can lead you to feel as if others are challenging you when this is not the case. Don’t go on the defensive now.

In love and romance, this can be a great time for passionate adventures with a loved one. Your sexual attraction energy is heightened today as well. This can be an exciting time in the bedroom.

Tarot reading for the day: Eight of Wands.

With many irons in the fire, you’re now likely to feel some stress as you scurry to tie up loose ends. Take a breath and bring your focus back to your top priority. Tackle your goals one at a time and you’ll be able to succeed before you realize it. This is a good time for brainstorming and delegating so that you don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do everything yourself. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+3+2+0+2+1=12, 1+2=3.

Today’s number is: Three. Three is a number of expansion, growth, and development. You may have an easier time succeeding today with a shared collaboration rather than trying to juggle too many obligations. This is also an ideal time to bring your goals full circle. Draw on your creative instincts and intense energy to put finishing touches on an important project or plan.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am energized and focused. I channel this energy productively.

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