Scorpio Daily Horoscope

February 27, 2022

Sunday, February 27th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

North Node in Taurus trine Pluto, Moon, Mars, Venus in Capricorn. You may have an idea of what you think is the best path forward. Yet you will need to be mindful of breaking cycles and becoming innovative. Your approach to success now depends on your creativity and ability to be flexible with others. This is a necessary time to stretch out of your comfort zone and embrace change. 

Your planetary rulers, Pluto and Mars, are among the planets in aspect to the North Node, which deals with matters of destiny and life purpose. The intense energies today can leave you ready to drop everything and launch new plans. Try to hold off on going to extremes, but do be open to challenging your plans and comfort zone. Give yourself new options beyond your wildest dreams.

Even if you don’t know what your purpose is right now, trust that choices you are making play an important role in future destiny. Yet this also means you’ll need to let go of some aspects of the past that you may have hoped would be part of your destiny. This can include letting go of past love, or old dreams of what you thought your mission was. You can be on the verge of making an important business partnership or attracting new love. First, however, you’ll need to accept a change that takes you away from the plans you thought were set in stone. 

This energy can make or break a relationship, so tread carefully. At the same time, you won’t want to hold on to a relationship that you’ve clearly outgrown. Let the tumultuous pull toward change help you discern what is best to hold on to and what is best to release. A major life milestone may be on the horizon now. Don’t hold back from making big decisions. Examine your relationships, even in romance. Are your friends and loved ones uplifting your new journey or obstructing it?  

Tarot reading for the day: Temperance.

You may now recognize the need for balance between your dreams and the practical rules you need to follow. A path to success is possible, even if you have to take gradual steps to exceed your expectations. Though you may not be able to see the harvest you’ve worked for just yet, remember, this harvest is indeed coming to fruition. Be patient with others today. Avoid putting excessive demands on yourself.

Numerology report of the day: 2+2+7+2+0+2+2=17, 1+7=8. 

Today’s number is: Eight. This intense number matches perfectly with the planetary lineup influencing your destiny today. It is also the number of your sign, Scorpio, so you can expect to feel the energy on a personal level. You are being challenged to dig deeper into your subconscious and really discern your fears from reality. Attempts you make at emotional healing and release can lead to empowerment. New breakthroughs lie ahead. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am aligned for making the choices that help me achieve my destiny.

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