Thursday, February 3rd – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Mercury Direct in Capricorn. Mercury Retrograde is ending, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to take risks just yet. Remember, there’s an adjustment period during which these hectic Mercury retrograde energies can settle. Avoid getting involved in a purchase or contract. Plan for travel.
Tarot reading for the day: Strength.
Though intense urges may have you feeling like you’re ready to break new ground on a project related to work and career, now is definitely not the time to move forward with your plans. Instead, take this time to research, gather resources, and brainstorm. You’ll be able to succeed and expand in new directions, but the timing needs to be right. Don’t let temptations urge you to make moves you’re really not ready for.
Numerology report of the day: 2+3+2+0+2+2=11.
Today’s number is: Eleven. Eleven is a Master Number and as such it is not broken down further. It’s a number of intense energy very similar to your own. You may feel on edge because of this enhanced creativity and will to succeed. The number Eleven energy can be so intense that you become erratic and defensive. You will need to channel your energy in creative and proactive ways to avoid self-sabotage and destructive impulses that can undermine your success.
Affirmation for today:
Today, I am able to harness creativity and use my motivation productively.