Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 9, 2022

Sunday, January 9th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon in Aries square Venus Rx in Capricorn. Today the Moon in Aries is in a challenging square aspect to Venus retrograde in Capricorn. You may feel tension between your desire for comfort and the urge to make needed changes, especially in career.

Looking to the past can lead to frustrations as there is no going home again as the saying goes. This is particularly true in finance and career. You may feel as if you aren’t being given the resources you need to succeed. Following a formula that worked in the past can lead you to hit a stalemate now and this may cause disappointment at first. 

Take stock of your priorities and assert your needs in career and finance today. Your career path will improve, but first you may have to work through a stagnant period rather than brushing a challenge under the rug. 

You may feel friction between your desires as an individual and your obligation to provide for a partner or loved ones. This can lead to resentments if you aren’t careful. Reassess your boundaries today.

Tarot reading for the day: Four of Pentacles.

Basing expectations on the past, especially past successes, can lead you to feel frustration. The paradox is if you accept a limitation or obstacle as it is, you’ll be able to use your intuition and gift for research and tenacity to come out successful in the end. You may be reminded of the need to assert yourself now. Don’t let expectations for others’ cooperation lead you into disappointment and distraction. Keep your focus on your own priorities and look for true allies.

Numerology report of the day: 1+9+2+0+2+2=16, 1+6=7. 

Today’s number is: Seven. Seven is a number of ideals and can help you stay focused on your ideals and larger mission. This is particularly important today as you may be tempted to try to control a situation that is out of your hands. Learn from the past, but don’t try to recreate it today. You’ll need to stay on your toes and also to keep connected to your higher mission and vision now.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I find opportunities to grow by taking a new and innovative path.

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