Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 8, 2022

Saturday, January 8th – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun conjunct Venus Rx in Capricorn. Venus, planet of love and attraction, is retrograde in Capricorn now. This can bring you to reflect on past issues related to love, career, and finances. You may easily feel drawn to nostalgia and romanticizing about the past.

Resist the urge to look at your past love’s social media feeds. Going back down that road will not be productive. Instead, this is the time to reflect on the lessons you learned from the relationship. 

 You may also have to revisit an old issue at work and correct the record or re-establish an efficient system or foundation. This change in your career or work style may be an inconvenience at first, but it will lead to success and advancement in the future. This is not the time to try to go for a promotion or advance professionally. Instead, work on refining your skills and collecting references or examples of your past successes in preparation for future advancement. 

Tarot reading for the day: The Page of Pentacles.

Focus on the professional path you would like to attain and set a clear strategy in order to accomplish your future professional goals. This is not the best time to try to jump into a new venture, but instead you can use this time to learn from the past and make a fool proof plan to excel in the future. Build on the connections you make now to usher in a change in coming weeks. For now, show others that you are a solid, objective, and stable source of guidance and wisdom. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+8+2+0+2+2=15, 1+5=6. 

Today’s number is: Six. Six is a number of unconditional love and harmony. But this is not a time to chase a loved one from your past. Show unconditional love for yourself and pamper yourself now. You may attract someone who can balance your talents. Don’t be in a hurry to strike up a commitment with a love interest. Take your time and let others show you their true intentions.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I look to the past for wisdom that guides my choices in the present.

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