Scorpio Daily Horoscope

January 3, 2022

Monday, January 3rd – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Jupiter in Pisces square North Node in Gemini. You may find challenges to be motivating today and a burst of optimism can help to energize you today. Your intuition, spirituality and compassion can expand and grow now and you may want to dedicate some time to serving others as a healer or guide. Your dreams may be prophetic, so pay attention to recurring themes. 

If you have been reluctant to embark on a new spiritual path or institute new daily practices like meditation, yoga, or rituals, now is a good time to start. Trust your intuition, as your gut instincts can lead you to grow in profound ways. Your spiritual interests may also expand now. 

Be open to new opportunities that lead you to broaden your beliefs. Although you are usually firm about your beliefs, this is an important time to learn from mistakes and allow yourself to be flexible and grow in new ways. 

Your love life can be filled with excitement and optimistic new energy. You may also fall in love with someone who is from a different culture or country or who lives at a distance from you. New admirers may come out of the woodwork now as well. 

Tarot reading for the day: The Magician.

This is a great time for creativity and manifestation. Work with the Law of Attraction now and you can easily draw your desires to you. Your connections to others can also bring you fortunate experience to grow professionally and personally. Focus on your highest priorities now. Try not to get distracted by momentary pleasures. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+3+2+0+2+2=10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of new beginnings, independence, and motivation. You may not know exactly how the next steps will pan out, but the important thing is to show initiative today and trust in the process. You are likely to feel a burst of energy that can assist you with creativity and taking the lead on new projects in career and personal life. Don’t wait for others to set the tone. Be the first to assert yourself today.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I embrace new opportunities to take initiative and start on a new path.

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