Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 30, 2021

Thursday, December 30 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Jupiter in Pisces square North Node Rx in Gemini. After yesterday, when it seemed all your dreams were coming true, today may seem like a letdown. You may now have to deal with encounters that challenge, limit, and frustrate you. 

Don’t panic, this isn’t the end of your progress. Instead, it’s a time of reckoning. You’re being asked to stretch your ideals and creativity in new ways. You’re actually being brought into alignment with your larger purpose.

Though you may have to overcome uncomfortable situations, this is necessary, as are the growing pains you may feel. This is a great time to face obstacles with optimism. Believe that your success is inevitable and then use your creativity and the support of friends and colleagues to manifest this reality.

Tarot reading for the day: Eight of Pentacles.

You’re still on the path to success even though your momentum may be slowed down today. Try to keep your ultimate goals in mind. Take your time and aim for quality over fast results. You are continuing to align with your greater purpose today. Don’t underestimate yourself even though you may not see the results manifesting right away.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+3+0+2+0+2+1=11. 

Today’s number is: Eleven. Eleven is a Master Number and therefore it is not further reduced to two. This is an intense day and you may feel sensitive to the erratic energy that surrounds you today. This is an important time to stand up as a leader and role model as others are watching you now. Channel your intense energy toward creative interests that you can overcome obstacles through your many talents and skills.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am growing and evolving through adversity and discomfort. 

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